This 'blog has moved! The new address of the Multnomah Villager is where it should have been all along, at I have moved the blog off of Blogspot and into Wordpress and addeed some new structure and category features. Please come see me there and I hope you keep reading. Thanks for all the visits, comments and everything else through the last year. I will continue to post here as well as on the new site for a month or two, but it's time to update your links. Click here to visit the new site and here is the new RSS Feed address.

Saturday, June 25, 2005

Welcome to my experiment!

For a while now, I've been thinking about becoming more involved in the life of my neighborhood. Perhaps it's because I now have a family, perhaps it's because after 10 years living in and around Multnomah Village, I have a keen sense of ownership of my part of this space.

I don't really have it in me to get involved in government, although the temptation is there from time to time, so I though maybe the best way to develop a "voice" in my community was to start small, with this 'blog, and at least communicate to others what the experience of life here in the Village is like. I know by doing this, it will force me to ask a few more questions, stop into those businesses I don't already frequent, and perhaps attend a neighborhood association meeting or two.

This is an experiment. I'm not a journalist, and as you will likely discover, I am not a trained writer. I play fast a loose with punctuation, particularly dashes and commas. That's just the way it is. Also, I should point out that this 'blog is not intended to be a "puff piece" for local businesses and events. I don't automatically like something, just 'cause it's in my neighborhood. I'm just intending to communicate my personal experience.

So bear with me a little while I get this thing going, This is the first time I've used Blogger, and I'm sure it will take me a bit to tweak the settings and layout. I've set up an email account for this 'blog and the link is over there in the sidebar. Please feel free to send me any comments you may have, or just comment on this or any other post.

One more note - I'm keeping this 'blog separate from my "actual identity" for now. I just want to see how it plays out and whether anyone reads before I decide to "out" myself (and I may not). We'll see how that goes.

Thanks for stopping by.
