Follow Up on SWNI Newspaper
Last week I posted about my recent discovery of the Southwest Neighborhoods, Inc. newspaper.
Amanda from SWNI hit me with an email, saying:
The SW News is the publication of the district coalition of the Neighborhood Associations in SW. You may receive a copy mailed to your home every month, free, by calling 503-823-4592 (the SWNI office in the Multnomah Center) and asking to have your name and address on the mailing list. The newsletter gives you information about neighborhood and citywide events, and is a great way to keep informed on local issuesAnd then a further email a day or so later with some additional info.
When I said "free", I meant, "part of the services you pay for in your taxes, with no additional cost if you choose to request home delivery". The SW News, and the staff who pull together the contributions from volunteers providing much of its content, receives funding by the City. It's part of the Office of Neighborhood Involvement's annual allocation, paying the nonprofit, citizen-run SWNI (Southwest Neighborhoods, Inc.) office to coordinate citizen involvement in SW. So you're already paying for the SW News, all you have to do is ask for it.
If everyone in SW requested delivery of the monthly newsletter, the budget allocation from the city would be insufficient, but as Sylvia Bogert, the outstanding executive director of SWNI says, that would be a wonderful problem to have, because the goal of SWNI is to provide neighborhood information and promote citizen involvement.
Thanks, Amanda, I appreciate the info. Now, can you do anything about the blue link text on a blue-green background? That would be a valuable neighborhood service!
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