This 'blog has moved! The new address of the Multnomah Villager is where it should have been all along, at I have moved the blog off of Blogspot and into Wordpress and addeed some new structure and category features. Please come see me there and I hope you keep reading. Thanks for all the visits, comments and everything else through the last year. I will continue to post here as well as on the new site for a month or two, but it's time to update your links. Click here to visit the new site and here is the new RSS Feed address.

Wednesday, October 26, 2005


There are a few new things going up and going in, in the Village these days. Have you noticed? There's a coin shop that will be opening soon on the corner of 36th and whatever that road that runs behind the Village is called, and there's a vegetarian restaurant opening at some point in the old Pizza Schmizza location next to Jeff Parker Realty.

So I did actually stop into Fusion Cut and Color today, As I mentioned yesterday, and Adrienne and I talked a bit about the new building going up across the street from the salon. According to Adrienne, it's not going to be residential (which makes sense although it would have been kinda cool) but will consist of ground-floor retail and the upper floor will be artists work spaces (or studios of some sort). She then mentioned that she had just found out that there aren't really three floors, as it looks like there will be, but that the second level windows are really a clerestory [definition] and the ceiling of the first story will be double-height. Well, OK "clerestory" is my word - if only to prove to Professor Andrus that I was actually paying attention, even though I wasn't taking notes, back in 1989. Either way - perhaps there will be some sort of loft? We didn't know. Adrienne wondered if there'd be an elevator?

We'll keep our eyes on this. And oh yes, my hair does look nice, thanks!