Signs of the Times
I just got this comment in my inbox...
hello! glad someone is blogging about our village - i thought i'd have to start one if i didn't find yours.
here's a thought i'm throwing out for possible blog topic - the new village signs. (you know, the old one is the one on your page) the new one is, um, in my opinion, not an improvement. just wondered what others thought.
Which is funny, since I was thinking last night that I should post on this topic, as I drove down Capitol from Vermont and saw that they had replaced the sign there as well. I assume that all of them are done by now. As our friendly commenter points out, I have the old one as my icon - up there to the right - and I rather prefer the old signs.
I noticed this design make its debut on the T-Shirts that have popped up in the windows of various neighborhood businesses, likely a project of the Multnomah Village Business Association, although I don't know this for a fact. I kind of like the design on a T-Shirt, but not so much on the signs.
For my part, here's why:
- The signs are flat paintings, not the much cooler looking routed wood signs
- The design seems overly playful for a neighborghod sign
- I'm not crazy about the colors, but that's just me
So in answer to this email - yes, I have considered blogging about the new signs. Discuss amongst yourselves.