Multnomah Village World War II Memorial

It is a World War II memorial, apparently dedicated in May of 1946. The text reads:
This memorial is erected in honor of all men and women from this community who served God, country and the cause of freedom during World War II and under this plaque is an urn containing a parchment scroll of their names
"These have served and we have entered into the fruits of their service"
May 19, 1946

Interesting. May 19, 1946 was my Dad's 7th birthday.
The quote is clearly from something but after much Googling I cannot find its source. If anyone can enlighten me, please do.

There's also quite an exuberant pumpkin patch (at least they look like pumpkins to the Villager's untrained eye) right on the corner here. This should be intresting to watch as Oregon's much delayed summer passes to fall.
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