This 'blog has moved! The new address of the Multnomah Villager is where it should have been all along, at I have moved the blog off of Blogspot and into Wordpress and addeed some new structure and category features. Please come see me there and I hope you keep reading. Thanks for all the visits, comments and everything else through the last year. I will continue to post here as well as on the new site for a month or two, but it's time to update your links. Click here to visit the new site and here is the new RSS Feed address.

Wednesday, August 10, 2005

The Former Classroom of Power

So the monthly meeting of the Multnomah Village Neighborhood Association was last night. About ten people. A range of ages. Zach Horowitz, who is the current chair, ran the meeting. He is much younger than I expected, as well as sporting a more than passing resemblance to Vlade Divac.

The association seems to deal primarly with land-use issues these days. There was review of the "Good Neighbor Agreement" for the large construction project underway on the site of the former Eagles lodge, a process which has sparked much angst among the area, and will result in quite a bit more density. There was long discussion about one neighbor's unfortunate situation with her neighbor's construction of a garage, which has sort of sneakily grown into a two-story structure with a full apartment on top, less than two feet from her property line, with second-story windows looking down into her backyard. Brief discussion of the various open committee positions (public safety among others), and etc.

Mutonomah's 100th anniversary is in 2008. The need to formulate some plans at some point was mentioned.

The neighborhood association has a website now - linked in the sidebar, @, minutes of the meetings will eventually find their way to that site.

I'll probably keep attending these meetings, as my schedule allows.
